
Theme Configuration#

File: src/site.config.ts

pending update…

Astro Configuration#

File: astro.config.mjs

You can configure it to change deployment methods, add rehype & remark plugins, and more.

Read more about Astro configuration here.

ESLint Configuration#

File: eslint.config.mjs

You can configure ESLint to change rules and security checks.

Read more about ESLint configuration here.

Prettier Configuration#

File: prettier.config.mjs

You can configure Prettier to change code formatting rules, this can change your experience using package command format and extension support for your favorite IDE.

Options are available here.

Tailwind CSS Configuration#

File: tailwind.config.mjs

It is a utility-first CSS framework building custom designs. Theme also uses its plugin typography to make typesettings (checkout Other Integrations#@tailwindcss/typography for more info).

Get to know more:

And you can also customize the theme default tailwind palette by modifying the CSS file at src/assets/styles/app.css. For example, if you want to change the default theme color, you can modify the following code:

/* ... */
@layer base {
  /* ... */
  --primary: 200 29% 45%; 
  --primary: <Your favorite color using hsl>; 
  /* ... */

Typescript Configuration#

File: tsconfig.json